I've never tried hiking before. Slalunya g jungle trekking je, but today, I went hiking. This event was organized by Persatuan Pelajar Islam (PPI), Uniten. And, the manager of this project is my housemate, Nadzirah. So, in order to support her project, I decided to join this thingy. Well, for sure it's tiring, but the fun that we had, mengatasi everything.
Keadaan kasut yang agak menyedihkan.
This program started last night, there was a briefing about what we're going to do and we were divided nto groups. And at 4.30 this morning, we did 'qiamullail' which I haven't been doing it for quite a long time. Huhu. So, after the qiamullail, kitorg gerak ke Kem PLKN Muadzam Shah cuz kat situ la start trek dia. Ridan Hill is not that far from our campus actually. About 5 to 10 minutes drive je. After having our breakfast, kitorg start naik.
Wow, mendaki sangat lah penat!! Rasa nak give up je mula-mula. Huh. But, I kuatkan semangat, and Alhamdulillah kitorg sampai jugak kat puncak Bukit Ridan. Huhu. Sangatlah lega bila da sampai puncak. By the time dah sampai puncak baru I sedar my so called 'kekasih' da buat lovebite kat I! Berdarah2 socks I. LOL. Nasib baik x sakit. =P. We did a few activities on the puncak. It was fun. Then bila da habis activities, kitorg gerak turun. Okay, sangat mencabar bila nak turun. Dengan keadaan my shoes yg tapaknya da nak tercabut, sangatlah sedih. But thank God, the tapak x tercabut. If x, memang I akan meninggalkan tapak lah kat situ. Hehe. Bila da sampai kat bawah, wow, lega x terkata. We had our lunch after that, then there was a prize giving ceremony. And guess what? My group was awarded as the 'Kumpulan Paling Cute'! LOL.
Mesti sebab ahli-ahli kumpulan kitorang nih cute-cute. =P. Sangat x bole blah. Hehe. Whatever it is, I'm happy today, I gained a very very special experience. At least, I pernah naik Bukit Ridan and I am proud of that, eventhough it is not Mount Kinabalu or what so ever mount it is, I'm still happy for that. =D.
Kumpulan Paling Cute. ^^
eleh leh. hihi. kak nadzirah tu fasi kami tu~
wow hiking? hee activity menguruskan badan ye cik? :D kalau lah cik di sini yang kena pegi hiking, setengah pun belum tentu dpt buat. awal² lg da give up. haiyoh! with the heat and sweat, mesian like me oso kenot tahan. plus tak kuasa cik nak renggang² kan muscle² ku yang manja ini. :D papepun congrats ye cik sebab berjaya sampai ke atas ridan hill! ;)
smangat eh angah..?
kang kalo ktorg wat pnjat bukit ridan agy, u'll be the first to know k? bole a u tman i nek ngan pkck.. hehhee
kena gigit pacat ek?
aduh.msti skt.
cam sonok je tgk korang hiking.
nyesal tak join.
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