Sunday, August 31, 2008

Selamat Berpuasa everyone!

Okay, here it goes. First of all, I would like to warn you guys, this entry is going to be a not so good entry cuz currently I am so pissed off. But, before that, I would like to wish all the Muslim Selamat Berpuasa. May this Ramadhan brings keberkatan to all of us. To all the people in my life or had been in my life, sorry for words which my hurt and sorry for any of my wrong doings. Hope all of you can forgive me.

Okay, now, this is about the thing that pissed me off. This is about someone who I used to know. I knew him since January this year. Well, what made me pissed is that he told almost everyone, ALMOST everyone that I'm his EX-GIRLFRIEND! WTF? Okay, we were close back then, but I was never his girlfriend. He wanted me to be his girlfriend. I told him that I needed time to think about it first. We knew each other tak sampai sebulan pun then he terus nak mintak couple ng I. Gila ke? Sepanjang I kenal and cuba mengenali dia, I perhatikan everything about him. Then during my 3 months holiday, I decided not to accept him. Well, yeah it was kind of hard for him to accept it. But what can I do? I don't have feelings for him. I realized that he wasn't what I want and what I thought. Then bila masuk je semester ni, he da ada new scandal. That was so fast okay. But, yeah I don't give a damn. We're still friends as usual, it just that we don't go out together anymore. He did asked me to go out for dinner with him but I refuse. Like 10 times kot. I just don't feel like going out with him. I remember once, he called me. At that time I baru lepas hantar my roomate to the Wisma cuz she had an exam that day. Then we terserempak with this guy and his scandal. That evening, he called me. The conversation went this way:

Guy : Hye you, nape you drive laju sgt tadi? ***** **** baru nak tgk you.
Me : I ada class la tadi. Huh?! Dia nak tgk I? What for?
Guy : Yeala, dia nak tgk EX-GF I cantik ke tak.
Me : .....(wtf?!).....

OMG! Waddahell??? I don't know what did he bgtau that girl. Sepanjang semester ni, da dekat 100 kali jugak lah terserempak dgn diorg. But, I don't really care actually. He did call me few times to ask me out for dinner, but then I rejected all of his invitation. I always la jugak usik2 him bout his scandal. Like few days before, I accidently met him at the library while I was studying there with Mizah. He saw me studying there, then he came and we talked. But we didn't talk much cuz I was concerntrating on my revision at that time and I don't feel like talking to him actually cuz he was distracting me. When I went back to my apartment, he called. We talked on the phone like for half an hour. He asked me why susah sangat nak ajak I keluar sekarang ni. I cakap la I'm busy and so on, plus, he da ada someone yg he can ajak keluar makan, why should he ajak me lagi, right? Then, he started to deny things. He said that he tade pape with that girl la tu la ni la. OMG! Please stop that. I don't even care who you're with. Why do you have to keep on denying things? Benda tu terang jelas and nyata depan mata you are with that girl. Then you bole lagi nak deny things and you bole lagi nak cakap kat I yang you missed me la, you can't forget me lah. Then, you know, he bole cakap like this: " Antara I ngan you lain. Antara I ngan **** **** lain". OMG! Waddahell are trying to do man? Look, listen here, I don't give a s**t on who you're with okay. I don't have feelings for you and I'm not jealous. I am just so f***king pissed because you said things like that to me and about me. And, I f***king hate it okay? I don't understand why do you have to deny things padahal benda tu semua orang nampak. And, if you pegang2 tangan tu you bole cakap yang you tade pape. Duuuhhh, you mmg tak reti nak treat someone special eyh? Dengan semua orang pun you bole pegang2 tangan eyh? What a jerk! And yeah, you sangat hipokrit! Please stop saying that you can't forget me, I'm the only one stuck on your mind all the time, you missed me, and all of those stupid sweet things. I had enough of those okay? Please. I would be happier if you get out of my life! I am just so pissed and I hate you so much right now eventhough I know that I shouldn't hate you at time like this cuz esok da start puasa. But right now, I'm so sorry I just can't forgive you for that.

Sorry guys, I just can't stand it. I am so pissed right now.



GurL-FriDay said...

urm, i'm not sure who you're talking about, but i kinda get the idea. so i'm guessing his nickname starts with an 'a'? anyways sis, selamat berpuasa to u too. lucky one puasa kt msia. we all kat sini berbuka lambat. :-(

janneDaArc said...

he such a LOSER. just ignore that guy.

better focus on your study and stay chill.


farida tarmize said...

ur story remind me of my ex
he xnk ngaku that he still couple with my frens
but kepit smpai masok umah
then telling everyone takde pape
then announce i was his GF
this f***ing babi mmg nk kene sepak

p/s:oooppss tecakap bnde x elok lak bulan pose nih

Si Penanya (?) said...

i phm... i lagi teruk dari u kot... bersepah2 gadis2, janda2, mummy orang ngaku i boyfriend dia... haish...

p/s; mummy u apa nama? saja nak check out. jgn pkir lain. nice write anyway~