Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I want..

I want a guy to listen to my secrets,
take me out to dinner,
call me first,
label me as his,
understand my feelings,
write me a song,
ask me to dance,
kiss me in the rain,
pass me love letters,
never forgets my birthday,
hugs me when i'm cold,
tell me i'm always right,
be my sweet escape,
tell me to believe that this is a fairytale,
give me gummy worms,
remember my favourite colours,
treat me like a star,
dream about me,
say that i've the key to his heart,
walk me home so i'll be safe,
play my favourite game,
dance like retards,
act stupid together,
spends time with me anytime anywhere,
tell me that everything's gonna be okay,
stay together forever,
let this love last,
accepts me just the way i am,
and make me his one and only.
i wanna be the girl he's scared to lose,
the one where he can't walk away from knowing that i'm mad at him,
the one who can't fall asleep without my voice being the last one he hears,
and the one he can't live without.
i want him to call me back when i hang up on him,
who will stay awake just to watch me sleep,
the boy who kisses my forehead,
who wants to show me off to the world,
who holds my hands in front of his friends,
who thinks i'm just the same without make up,
the one who is constantly reminding me of how much he cares about me,
and how lucky he is to have me <3
ZAfirah Rosland


Anonymous said...

are u in a relationship, young lady?

Le pouvoir des trois said...

No, i'm not in a relationship. =)

Le pouvoir des trois said...

how sweet kakak..wahhh..
yeah..waitin 4 d lucky guy..=)

Le pouvoir des trois said...

how i wish dpt lelaki exactly y mcm ni.
it might take 100yrs to find one.