Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Happy Birthday to my dearest Hana

 Dearest Hana,
Happy 20th birthday
May Allah bless you always and may all your dreams come true.
Hope that you'll have another year filled with success and happiness.
Thanks for being a fab and great friend.
Thanks for being a good listener and being there for me when I needed someone to talk to.
Thanks for always supporting in whatever I do.
I just can't thank you enough for everything that you had done for me.
Hope you'll have a great day today.
Enjoy your day dear!

For a shield from the storm, for a friend, for a love to keep me safe and warm...I turn to you. For the strength to be strong, for the will to carry on, for everything you do, for everything thats true, I turn to you.
Friendship is born at the moment when one person says to another, "What?! You too?! I thought I was the only one!" =)
Life is partly what we make it, and partly what is made by the friends we choose.
And I believe that I made the right choice. =)
Friends aren't jumper cables. You don't throw them in the trunk and pull them out for emergencies.

Hope you'll have a blast on your birthday!
I am missing you so much here.
How I wish I can be there on your birthday.
Enjoy your special day and hope you had a great one!


GurL-FriDay said...

happy birthday hana! =)

Le pouvoir des trois said...

thank you kak liyana.

Le pouvoir des trois said...

i love u mucho angah!
u r d greatest friend ever!