Monday, October 13, 2008


'I promise to be with you forever'
'I promise I won't leave you'
'I promise you will be mine forever'
'I promise I will never forget you'
' I promise etc, etc, etc...'
Those are examples of promises that we used to hear in our daily lives. To make a promise is easy. But to keep one is not that easy, right? Don't you ever promise anything if you can't keep it. Please, don't give hope to others if you, yourself will destroy that hope. I've learnt that never put high expectation on someone recently. Actually I've learnt that a long time ago. I remember once, my former class teacher, Pn Wan Norasmah told me to never put high expectation on someone. But I don't know why I still want to put a very high expectation on this particular friend. Hoping that whatever this friend say is true and that this friend will change and keep the promise that this friend had made. Sometimes I feel like I am so stupid to believe in this friend.
Yes my dearest Hana, you are absolutely right. Kawan memang ramai, untuk happy sama2 memang senang nak cari, but kawan yg boleh nangis same2 ngan kita bila kita sedih, susah nak cari. I am so glad that I have a few of them in my life. Thanks for always being there for me. You guys never made any promise to be with me forever or not to forget me but you guys are always there for me. I can't thank you guys enough for that. I really really appreciate every single thing what you guys had done for me.
I am disappointed, I am sad but I believe that everything happens for a reason. Now I know who my true friends are. I don't need those promises. I don't want any promises. I just need a real true friend who can share everything with me, who will always be there for me, who will never complain and who accept me the way I am.
I am right now trying my best not to believe in promises and not to make any promise anymore. Please don't make any promises if you know that you can't keep it. Don't give hope to others. It hurts when you don't keep the promise that had been made. I'm saying this to remind myself as well. Like what my sister always said. karma is a bitch, it will finally get u later in life. So, when the time comes, don't blame others.
To my deares Hana, Happy becoming birthday! Love u loads dear! I'll call u at 12 tonight.

1 comment:

Le pouvoir des trois said...

moral of the story lps ni if someone promises us anythin kte x boleh caye bulat2.
learn fr the past.